Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Juicing on a Budget: A Guide to Low Cost Juicing Options (Kindle Edition)

Juicing on a Budget: A Guide to Low Cost Juicing Options
Juicing on a Budget: A Guide to Low Cost Juicing Options (Kindle Edition)
By Amy Andrews

Review & Description

The purpose of this report is to bring together all of the facts of juicing, and effectivelylay out how to do it without spending a fortune. Each section either directly or indirectly portraysa guideline on how to successfully use juicing equipment to its most effective way. By followingthe guidelines, a person will be able to easily fulfill all of their juicing needs without breaking thebank. The idea is that by correctly juicing all of your vegetables and fruits, you attain all of thenutrients and also do not waste any of the parts of the produce that are useable, thereby notwasting any money whatsoever.

In addition to this summary, there is a tip summary at the end that wraps up all of theimportant points in the report. It will remind you of the most effective ways to save moneyswhile also being able to juice as much as you can. The tips are designed to give someone whohas already read through the report a rehash and reminder of what has already been gone over.The purpose of this report is to bring together all of the facts of juicing, and effectivelylay out how to do it without spending a fortune. Each section either directly or indirectly portraysa guideline on how to successfully use juicing equipment to its most effective way. By followingthe guidelines, a person will be able to easily fulfill all of their juicing needs without breaking thebank. The idea is that by correctly juicing all of your vegetables and fruits, you attain all of thenutrients and also do not waste any of the parts of the produce that are useable, thereby notwasting any money whatsoever.

In addition to this summary, there is a tip summary at the end that wraps up all of theimportant points in the report. It will remind you of the most effective ways to save moneyswhile also being able to juice as much as you can. The tips are designed to give someone whohas already read through the report a rehash and reminder of what has already been gone over. Read more

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Champ Flush Out Detox 40ct Box (Health and Beauty)

Champ Flush Out Detox 40ct Box
Champ Flush Out Detox 40ct Box (Health and Beauty)
By Flush Out

1 used and new from $200.00

First tagged by Laura
Customer tags: healthy living, oral, drug abuse, detox

Review & Description

Works in an Hour, Effective up to 5 hours, Prepares your body for the detoxification process! Help Balance Nutrients. WE LOVE OUR Products THAT WHY WE GUARATEE IT! WHAT U TOKIN BOUT? BY PURCHASING PIPES & LIGHTERS& DETOX: YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: - I am 18 years old or older TOBACCO & ADULT PRODUCTS: You Must Be 18 or Older to Purchase Any Tobacco Smoking Accessories! All glass products & smoking accessories are intended only to be used by legal adults for the purpose of smoking tobacco. By ordering, you agree to be abiding by your state and local laws of your community and that you are responsible for abiding by them. Furthermore, you release & discharge all involved in the production of these products and the maintenance of this site from any and all liabilities. Use at your own risk. Read more

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Friday, February 24, 2012

The Ultimate Detox Bible: Body, Mind, and Soul (Kindle Edition)

The Ultimate Detox Bible: Body, Mind, and Soul
The Ultimate Detox Bible: Body, Mind, and Soul (Kindle Edition)
By Amy Andrews

Review & Description

The Ultimate Detox Bible: Body, Mind, and Soul

A complete guide to detoxifying your life and becoming toxin free. Includes a 4-Week Ultimate Detox Diet Plan for maximum results.

Topics Discussed:
* Target Specific Areas of the Body for Cleansing
* How the foods you eat effect your health and well being
* How to limit exposure to everyday toxins all around you
* Choosing better cosmetics, cleaners, and foods for your family and home
* Emotional Detox Methods
* Adapting the detox lifestyle

The 4-Week Detox Diet:
* Start to Finish, A Complete Detox Plan
* Recipes
* Optimal Food Choices
* Proper Preparing and Recovery Methods

Over 15 years of experience went into creating this guide. I hope it helps you adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle.The Ultimate Detox Bible: Body, Mind, and Soul

A complete guide to detoxifying your life and becoming toxin free. Includes a 4-Week Ultimate Detox Diet Plan for maximum results.

Topics Discussed:
* Target Specific Areas of the Body for Cleansing
* How the foods you eat effect your health and well being
* How to limit exposure to everyday toxins all around you
* Choosing better cosmetics, cleaners, and foods for your family and home
* Emotional Detox Methods
* Adapting the detox lifestyle

The 4-Week Detox Diet:
* Start to Finish, A Complete Detox Plan
* Recipes
* Optimal Food Choices
* Proper Preparing and Recovery Methods

Over 15 years of experience went into creating this guide. I hope it helps you adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle. Read more

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

High School Skinny: 7-Day Juice Fast Guide (Kindle Edition)

High School Skinny: 7-Day Juice Fast Guide
High School Skinny: 7-Day Juice Fast Guide (Kindle Edition)
By Eric Tompkins

Review & Description

The 7 day juice fast is a very popular detox and weight loss program. This guide takes you through the juice fasting process in details. The 7 day juice fast is done in carefully planned stages. This guide has been created with the aim of helping you to embark upon each of these stages with minimum health risks. The guide touches upon the major points related to juice fasting. Before undergoing a juice fast, you should know what exactly is meant by a juice fast and who should do it. There are 3 main stages of fasting that one should abide by for a successful juice fast.

This is a complete guide for the 7 day juice fast. Beginners should definitely go through this once to know the pros and cons of juice fasting. Juice fasting comes with its share of advantages and disadvantages. The benefits, side effects and the dos and don’ts have been chalked out clearly. The guide aims to help you achieve a successful 7 day juice fast with minimum side effects. Suggested diet and other important aspects have been highlighted to suit your needs.

You may also like: "The Definitive Guide To Juicing"

The 7 day juice fast is a very popular detox and weight loss program. This guide takes you through the juice fasting process in details. The 7 day juice fast is done in carefully planned stages. This guide has been created with the aim of helping you to embark upon each of these stages with minimum health risks. The guide touches upon the major points related to juice fasting. Before undergoing a juice fast, you should know what exactly is meant by a juice fast and who should do it. There are 3 main stages of fasting that one should abide by for a successful juice fast.

This is a complete guide for the 7 day juice fast. Beginners should definitely go through this once to know the pros and cons of juice fasting. Juice fasting comes with its share of advantages and disadvantages. The benefits, side effects and the dos and don’ts have been chalked out clearly. The guide aims to help you achieve a successful 7 day juice fast with minimum side effects. Suggested diet and other important aspects have been highlighted to suit your needs.

You may also like: "The Definitive Guide To Juicing"

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Basic Detox Nutrients (Health and Beauty)

Basic Detox Nutrients
Basic Detox Nutrients (Health and Beauty)
By Thorne Research

Buy new: $74.00
Customer Rating: 5.0

First tagged by L. Brunjes "Lopa Brunjes"
Customer tags: vitamins, supplement, multiple vitamin-mineral supplements, supplements, detox

Review & Description

A comprehensive multiple vitamin-mineral with additional nutrients to aid in detoxification. Read more

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Detox, a szervezet méregtelenítése egyszer?en (Kindle Edition)

Detox, a szervezet méregtelenítése egyszer?en
Detox, a szervezet méregtelenítése egyszer?en (Kindle Edition)
By Erika M Szabo

Buy new: $2.99

First tagged by Erika M Szabo "EMS"
Customer tags: detox

Review & Description

Lefogadom, hogy a népszerű Hollywoodi kínzó kávés beöntésekre vagy szélsőséges és barbár módszerekre gondol.
Nem lesz kínzás, ígérem!
Messze állok azoktól a „kérdéses szakemberektől” akik nyers étrendről és kínzó méregtelenítési módszerekről prédikálnak. Imádok enni és élvezek minden falatot. A különbség az, hogy tudom milyen ételek jók nekem és azt is tudom hogyan méregtelenítsem szervezetemet egyszerűen és naponta, mielőtt a toxinok felszaporodnak és problémát okoznak.
Szervezetünk nagyon jól tudja, hogyan kell a toxinoktól megszabadulni, de csak akkor, ha egészségesen étkezünk. Mivel az az életmód elmúlt, amikor organikus és egyszerű ételeket fogyasztottak elődeink, a szervezetünknek szüksége van egy kis segítségre.
Lefogadom, hogy a népszerű Hollywoodi kínzó kávés beöntésekre vagy szélsőséges és barbár módszerekre gondol.
Nem lesz kínzás, ígérem!
Messze állok azoktól a „kérdéses szakemberektől” akik nyers étrendről és kínzó méregtelenítési módszerekről prédikálnak. Imádok enni és élvezek minden falatot. A különbség az, hogy tudom milyen ételek jók nekem és azt is tudom hogyan méregtelenítsem szervezetemet egyszerűen és naponta, mielőtt a toxinok felszaporodnak és problémát okoznak.
Szervezetünk nagyon jól tudja, hogyan kell a toxinoktól megszabadulni, de csak akkor, ha egészségesen étkezünk. Mivel az az életmód elmúlt, amikor organikus és egyszerű ételeket fogyasztottak elődeink, a szervezetünknek szüksége van egy kis segítségre.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bliss Labs Fat Girl Slim Cream 6 Oz (Misc.)

Bliss Labs Fat Girl Slim Cream 6 Oz
Bliss Labs Fat Girl Slim Cream 6 Oz (Misc.)
By Bliss

Buy new: $23.16
Customer Rating: 4.4

First tagged by William S. Leake
Customer tags: detox

Product Images

Review & Description

energizes the skin stimulates skin surface to firm and contour with caffeine visibly reduces the appearance of excess fluid retention in skin layers This advanced-technology adipose antagonist (which, in laymans terms, means it helps reduce the appearance of cellulite) features QuSome-encapsulated caffeine molecules for quick and targeted delivery of the skin-firming stuff of choice for supermodels, spokespeople and other celebs. Read more

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Dare To Detoxify! (Paperback)

Dare To Detoxify!
Dare To Detoxify! (Paperback)
By Julia Loggins

Review & Description

Dare to Detoxify! - Your Personal Guide to Optimizing Your Health. Julia Loggins shares the power of detoxification, beginning with the miraculous success of healing her own body, after a decade of life threatening illness. She shares 35 years of experience in detoxification principals, through her client's stories and the tools and techniques that worked for them, such as: the 21 Day Detox Diet, and how that allowed them to safely release unwanted weight and toxicity that they had been holding for years! Dare to Detoxify! is a guide that teaches why we all need to detox regularly to thrive in our compromised environment; why alkaline water is an important part of detoxification, and how digestion is linked to health, energy and weight loss. Julia Loggins' book is about healing and reclaiming your energy, your mental clarity and unbounded enthusiasm for life! http://www.DaretoDetoxify.com Read more

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Sunday, February 12, 2012


By Ken Dunn

Buy new: $8.65
195 used and new from $8.35

First tagged by Ken Dunn
Customer tags: psoriasis(2), gout(2), depression(2), constipation(2), cholesterol(2), knee pain(2), high blood pressure(2), common cold(2), home remedies(2), aches pains(2), acid reflux(2), anxiety(2)

Review & Description


Home remedies for the:, Common Cold, Acid Reflux, High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Thyroid, Gout, Depression, Knee Pains Psoriasis, Anxiety, Constipation, Sore Throat, Earaches, Toothaches, Urinary Tract Infection, Yeast Infections, Poison Ivy, Sunburn, Ringworm, & ...Hangover.

Table of Contents
Common Cold
Acid Reflux
High Blood Pressure
Knee Pain
Sore Throat
Urinary Tract Infection
Yeast Infections
Poison Ivy

Published by: Dunway Enterprises


For those of you, who hate running to the doctor for every cough and sneeze, find themselves wondering everywhere for the best home remedies for their condition. Many people choose to go the home remedy route of treatment due to the fact that home remedies are less likely to cause side effects like prescription medications do.

Many people don’t know that a lot of the prescriptions that we receive for illnesses or conditions cause more harm to our bodies than good. Another thing that many people don’t know is that taking antibiotics for long periods of time can ultimately make your body susceptible to any antibiotics.

For a lot of people, some antibiotics don’t clear up all of the symptoms they are suffering from and they find themselves run back to the doctor for another dose and then another and another, etc.

This is mainly because their body is now used to the antibiotics being ingested and simply don’t do anything in the treatment of your symptoms you are enduring.

Taking certain antibiotics can also cause a super infection to form. Many studies have shown that prescription medications simply don’t work for many illnesses and conditions and have major side effects associated with them.

Home remedies are not only natural and beneficial but also helps treat a lot of illnesses and conditions quicker than any antibiotic. Many of the home remedies that you will find in this book have been used for many years and have been tested and proven to work.

Keep in mind that home remedies will not cure all illnesses and conditions and if your symptoms persist for more than 5 to 7 days then you will need to consult with your physician for further testing and treatment.

You also need to keep in mind that a lot of people have many different allergies to certain things, so make sure before you try a home remedy that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients or home remedies that you test.

I have researched the top illnesses and conditions that most people are looking for and have compiled them all into one book, all with the most popular and most commonly used home remedies to treat their symptoms.

So what are you waiting for?

Start reading now… and start treating yourself the health and natural way through the top used home remedies today!19 DIFFERENT 'HOME REMEDIES' TO CHOOSE FROM

Home remedies for the:, Common Cold, Acid Reflux, High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Thyroid, Gout, Depression, Knee Pains Psoriasis, Anxiety, Constipation, Sore Throat, Earaches, Toothaches, Urinary Tract Infection, Yeast Infections, Poison Ivy, Sunburn, Ringworm, & ...Hangover.

Table of Contents
Common Cold
Acid Reflux
High Blood Pressure
Knee Pain
Sore Throat
Urinary Tract Infection
Yeast Infections
Poison Ivy

Published by: Dunway Enterprises


For those of you, who hate running to the doctor for every cough and sneeze, find themselves wondering everywhere for the best home remedies for their condition. Many people choose to go the home remedy route of treatment due to the fact that home remedies are less likely to cause side effects like prescription medications do.

Many people don’t know that a lot of the prescriptions that we receive for illnesses or conditions cause more harm to our bodies than good. Another thing that many people don’t know is that taking antibiotics for long periods of time can ultimately make your body susceptible to any antibiotics.

For a lot of people, some antibiotics don’t clear up all of the symptoms they are suffering from and they find themselves run back to the doctor for another dose and then another and another, etc.

This is mainly because their body is now used to the antibiotics being ingested and simply don’t do anything in the treatment of your symptoms you are enduring.

Taking certain antibiotics can also cause a super infection to form. Many studies have shown that prescription medications simply don’t work for many illnesses and conditions and have major side effects associated with them.

Home remedies are not only natural and beneficial but also helps treat a lot of illnesses and conditions quicker than any antibiotic. Many of the home remedies that you will find in this book have been used for many years and have been tested and proven to work.

Keep in mind that home remedies will not cure all illnesses and conditions and if your symptoms persist for more than 5 to 7 days then you will need to consult with your physician for further testing and treatment.

You also need to keep in mind that a lot of people have many different allergies to certain things, so make sure before you try a home remedy that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients or home remedies that you test.

I have researched the top illnesses and conditions that most people are looking for and have compiled them all into one book, all with the most popular and most commonly used home remedies to treat their symptoms.

So what are you waiting for?

Start reading now… and start treating yourself the health and natural way through the top used home remedies today! Read more

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

UltraLongevity: The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You (Audio CD)

UltraLongevity: The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You
UltraLongevity: The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You (Audio CD)
By Mark Liponis

Review & Description

Now in paperback, UltraLongevity presents a revolutionary idea: that aging and aging-related diseases---including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes---are autoimmune problems, and that a well-managed immune system is the key to healthy aging. Starting with a quiz---"How Fast Are You Aging?"---Dr. Mark Liponis explains the new science, lays out an accessible and proven 7-step program with an 8-day meal plan, and motivates readers to put the program into practice so that they can keep their minds sharp, become more physically fit, be more resistant to infections and disease, and feel and stay younger than they ever imagined. Read more

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Friday, February 10, 2012

Coltox Dual Action Cleansing System Internal, 30 Day Supply

Coltox Dual Action Cleansing System Internal, 30 Day Supply
Coltox Dual Action Cleansing System Internal, 30 Day Supply
By Coltox

Buy new: $19.95
Customer Rating: 5.0

First tagged by Franklin Crabtree
Customer tags: colon cleansing, wrinkle reducer, detox

Review & Description

The idea behind the Coltox formula is to eliminate the toxins and parasites which have built up in your digestive system. This detoxification process is so important to maintaining a healthy balance in your body that many doctors consider it to be a key to personal wellness Read more

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Kickstart Guide to Body Detoxification: How To Detox The Quick And Easy Way At Home (Paperback)

The Kickstart Guide to Body Detoxification: How To Detox The Quick And Easy Way At Home
The Kickstart Guide to Body Detoxification: How To Detox The Quick And Easy Way At Home (Paperback)
By Lynne Parcell

Review & Description

Feeling sluggish or out of sync? Having skin problems, aches and pains, or digestive problems? Straying from your healthier habits lately? Having trouble kicking off your weight loss? It might be time for a body detox. By now, you have most likely heard about body detoxification as it is very much in vogue, especially with celebrities. You might have wondered about the idea of colon cleansing and how it works. When you first hear about body detoxification, you may conjure up images in your mind that are unpleasant. Once you get to understand about body detoxification and how it works, however, you will have a different opinion. Discover: • Benefits of Body Detoxification • Body Detox Products • Losing Weight with Body Detox • And more Read more

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Molasses, Blackstrap, Unsulfured, Organic, 15 oz. (Misc.)

Molasses, Blackstrap, Unsulfured, Organic, 15 oz.
Molasses, Blackstrap, Unsulfured, Organic, 15 oz. (Misc.)

Review & Description

Unsulfured blackstrap molasses is more than just a sweetener. It's full of health promoting vitamins and minerals and makes a great nutritional supplement. Taken from the second pressing of the cane, all of the white sugar has been removed from this molasses leaving all the trace elements, especially all of those valuable minerals. Delicious mixed in herbal teas or in hot water with lemon and milk. There are 3 different grades of molasses. The first and second grades are fairly sweet. Blackstrap molasses is the third grade it's not very sweet, but it does have the highest vitamin and mineral content of all three grades. Read more

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Precision Therapy Far Infrared Sauna Belt

Precision Therapy Far Infrared Sauna Belt
Precision Therapy Far Infrared Sauna Belt

Buy new: $47.90
Customer Rating: 5.0

First tagged by lindaf
Customer tags: sauna, infrared sauna, fir, detox, infrared

Product Images

Review & Description

Enjoy far infrared coverage over the extent of this belt, the size and width of this belt is larger than most other far infrared slimming belt products. It has the characteristic of deep penetration effect, high number of calories burnt, best for body trimming targeted at waistline, reducing waist size by eliminating excessive fat, relieving back pain to provide lumbar support, diminishing abdominal stretch marks and removing bad skin condition such as belly wrinkles. Read more

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Everyone Poops (My Body Science Series) (Paperback)

Everyone Poops (My Body Science Series)
Everyone Poops (My Body Science Series) (Paperback)
By Gomi Taro

Buy new: $7.95
73 used and new from $4.20
Customer Rating: 5.0

First tagged by Ann Hyland "Yoga Instructor, RYT, E-RYT, RawFood Chef"
Customer tags: potty training(26), poop(20), toilet training(17), childrens books(16), toddler book(11), baby(7), kids(6), physiology(4), science(4), anatomy(3), gold poop(2), 18 months and up

Review & Description

"Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi is part biology textbook, part sociological treatise and all celebration of a very natural process. Both my daughters begged me to read the book over and over again. They marveled at the enormity of the elephant`s poop and searched with the skill of a scientist for the tiny specks which represent bug poop. The text is simple and straightforward but not without humor.

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Everybody Poops 410 Pounds a Year: An Illustrated Bathroom Companion for Grown-Ups (Paperback)

Everybody Poops 410 Pounds a Year: An Illustrated Bathroom Companion for Grown-Ups
Everybody Poops 410 Pounds a Year: An Illustrated Bathroom Companion for Grown-Ups (Paperback)
By Deuce Flanagan

Review & Description


. . . when you were little, you learned that everyone poops. But did you ever discover how much? Well, sit down on that cold porcelain throne and get ready to laugh your butt off at the most amazing, hilarious, need-to-go facts on the one thing everyone does--but nobody talks about. Filled to the rim with piles of fascinating dirty fun, this illustrated kids' book for grown-ups answers all the questions you never thought to ask:

•How do astronauts poop in space?
•Where does poop go after you flush?
•Why can I see the corn but not the chicken?
•Can I light my poop on fire?
•Who invented the first flushing toilet?
•What's the poop on Michael Jackson, Elvis and John Wayne?

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Yerba Prima Tampico Skin Brush (Health and Beauty)

Yerba Prima Tampico Skin Brush
Yerba Prima Tampico Skin Brush (Health and Beauty)
By Yerba Prima

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Total Eclipse Turbo Caps, 4 caps-100% EFFECTIVE (Health and Beauty)

Total Eclipse Turbo Caps, 4 caps-100% EFFECTIVE
Total Eclipse Turbo Caps, 4 caps-100% EFFECTIVE (Health and Beauty)
By supervits

Buy new: $21.99

First tagged by Maynord O. Perez ""The Maynord""
Customer tags: detox

Product Images

Review & Description

Total Eclipse Turbo Caps, 4 caps-100% EFFECTIVE, pass a urine test, pass a drug test Read more

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